• (231) 264-6612
  • Post Office Box 309 | Kewadin, MI 49648
  • 7023 Cherry St. | Kewadin, MI 49648

Milton Township Board Meeting Scheduled for Monday, April 13, 2020 @ 7:00 PM

Milton Township will conduct the regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 13, 2020 @ 7:00 pm.   Those wishing to participate in the meeting need to contact Liz Atkinson @ MiltonTownshipTreasurer@gmail.com

Under Executive Order No. 2020-15, public bodies that are subject to the Open Meetings Act can use telephone, video or conferencing methods to continue meeting and conducting business during the coronavirus public health crisis, as long as certain procedures to ensure meaningful access and participation by members of the public body and the general public.